Chronological Development - Part 2
Tags: Chronological, Development
Read Chronological Development - Part 1 if you haven’t already.
Might not be so fruitful to be pedantic about doing everything in chronological order, right? If the first thing the user usually does it to press “New Game” in a main menu when starting up some game, it might not make sense to start rendering text. Why? Reason:
I want to be able to close the game first
Even though that is not the main flow for the user. But why is this an exception? I think it’s just developer comfort in this case. I want to be able to close the process with ESC, not by aborting debugging process in VSCode.
Okay okay. But do I really need this right now? Really?…
I don’t need this right now
I am not blocked by this. Core features are not improved by this. I can ALT+F4 out of the process. I don’t need this right now. I don’t need this right now. I don’t need this right now.
Right now I need to write a post about this battle against myself 😐